Cognite Infield: Ability to see trends on Manual ROunds

Related products: InField

We need the ability to look at data beyond 1 year from Infield. We also need the ability to track exceedances as counts against the limits over a period of time. This should be a default feature.

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed ! Yes, agree to that. We are now ensuring that all the checklists data, not only measurement readings and images, but all unstructured data captured by a user is captured in Cognite Data Fusion. With that in place we can start looking at how to best work with and expose that data, both in InField, but also for other business users (e.g. maintenance & reliability) that potentially are utilising other interfaces day-to-day. 

New→Gathering Interest

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed - cleaning up some old feature requests. 

In InField you can now find all historic checklists and entries in the “Overview” page, not only limited to one year of data. With Cognite Charts you can use the manual rounds datapoints to track exceedances. We will also add additional filtering options in the “Overview” page to highlight the exceedances, but as we already have additional feature requests on this subject I’ll mark this one as “implemented”. 
