Cognite Data Fusion: Promote CDF .NET SDK to Official Supported Instead of Community Supported

Related products: API and SDKs

The first line of the readme in cognitedata/cognite-sdk-dotnet: .NET SDK for Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) ( is:

Under development, not recommended for production use cases


We are currently using this library in production, but we are having to add our own support for some features that are natively built into the Python SDK:

Please devote time and effort towards making this library production ready and officially supported.  Thank you!

Updated idea statusNewGathering Interest

Thanks for the input. We are currently keeping our focus on the existing SDKs, but .NET is definitely on the list of potential future ones.

FYI, the README statement has been updated to:

Unofficial: please note that this is an unofficial and community driven SDK. Feel free to open issues, or provide PRs if you want to improve the library.