Cognite Charts: Generate new Chart of selected TSs from current Chart

Related products: Charts

Expectation: “I only need a few tags in this Chart, so I’ll just add everything in this one”

Reality: The Chart grew to 30 TSs and I probably need to split it up into individual Charts.

I would like the possibility of selecting a few TSs from the table, and populate a new Chart with the selected TSs. This should maintain the formatting, calculations, and axis views currently set. As a workaround I suppose I could duplicate the Chart and delete everything I don’t need, but this introduces unnecessary effort in cleaning up the new Chart.



Anders Brakestad

Hi, Anders.

This is a great idea, and I understand you want to work with smaller sets of time series or simplify how to work with a chart with a high number of time series.

As you say, you can do this by duplicating a chart, and removing the ones you don’t want. This way you keep your formatting, axes settings and calculations. 

We will take your input and explore how we can simplify working with charts with larger data sets.


Thank you, 


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