Cognite Charts: Export a calculation as Python code

Related products: Charts

Seeing as how all functions available in a calculation is defined in Python, perhaps a complete calculation (all nodes) can be exported to an executable python code. 

I am just throwing this out there as an idea; I have not thought a lot whether this is difficult/useful. One use case could perhaps be to prototype something in Charts, and then use exported code as a starting point for building something in Python.



Anders Brakestad

Once again, another feature request that we have heard and intend to offer. Our goal is to make it as seamless as possible to go from UI ↔️ (python) code. 

When it comes to the “executable python code” that would be exported, could you share more about how you would intend to use that? I assume you would want to have python code that can be run independent of the calculations backend that powers the calculations in Charts?

@Neringa Altanaite @Henrik Eiding @Cristina Ferrer Teixidor @Dag Brattli FYI

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