Related products: Search and Data Exploration

It will be very beneficial to leverage OPEN AI and CHATGPT to provide searching, insights on data from CDF

Hello Ibrahim. We agree, and are actively exploring the area of generative AI and OpenAI services to figure out how we can leverage these technologies in our product. Right now we’re mostly focusing on how generative AI can simplify complex tasks in CDF, in a co-pilot/assistant paradigm. But there are a lot of possible options out there. Stay tuned for more information, and let us know if you have any concrete ideas on where we could leverage this for good effect.


Best Regards,

Terje Loken

Lead Product Manager, Cognite Data Fusion.

NewGathering Interest

Closing this issue as integration with ChatGPT is not something we are prioritizing. We are building exciting features on top of Azure OpenAI and other LLM services, both in our UIs and through our API services.