CDF Feature - Downloading Filtered event lists into Excel

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

I’m creating this feature request on behalf of @Smitakshi Sen 

In CDF Data Explorer, it should be possible to download a filtered list of events into Excel or CSV format with all the selected metadata columns.

For example, when filtering events by type “Failure”, CDF returns the list of filtered Failure events, however, that list cannot be exported for audit and reconciliation.


Hi and thank you for reaching out. 

Although not a direct solution, it should be fairly simple to write a Jupyter Notebook that does this. I urge you to see if you are able to do this from Jupyter (available under Data Management → Explore → Jupyter Notebooks).

We’ll consider the need for this in the UI as well.


Any update on this issue?

When it will be implemented in CDF UI?



Hi @Palaksha!

This feature request is in the gathering interest mode. It has not made it to our roadmap and there is thus no timeline for this functionality to be in the UI. 



Sofie Berge, Product Manager Data Explorer

Maybe the Excel connector option is worth exploring. It lets you use Excel to directly query data from a given Cognite Data Fusion project.