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Back button from view to the searched asset not working. The back button will take user to all the 3D visualizations available.

Hi Rani,

We are in the process of conducting an internal review of this question. We understand the importance of your inquiry and are committed to delivering a thorough and timely update. Thank you for your patience.

Hi @Rani Supriya,

This question has evolved into a feature request. As a result, I have incorporated it into the product idea.

Hi @Rani Supriya!

Thank you for suggesting this product idea. We will follow the traction this idea gets in the community. You can expect updates on this post if we decide to include this in our future roadmap, or if we require more information

Hi @Rani Supriya,

To make sure I am understanding this correctly. Is this what you are experiencing?

  1. You are in 3D, and have selected the models of interest. 
  2. You click an object and open the asset view from the preview card.
  3. You explorer the asset on the instance page.
  4. You click back in the browser to go back to 3D.
  5. You are taken to the 3D view, but the selection that you did before leaving 3D is not persisted.

If yes, I will add this as an improvement of the experience to our roadmap.