Improvement on the 'Mark Checklist as Done' process

Related products: InField

In multiple cases, the validation of a Checklist is not needed and thoses checklists will remain pending, depending on the Team Captain avaliability. And this could also require time from the Team Captain to approve all the pending Checklists.

The suggestion is to create an option on the Template creation screen so the user can define if it’s necessary to have an approval or not for the checklists generated from that Template and a possibility to define the group of users that will be able to approve it.
As complement, new status for Checklists could also be created to indicate that a Checklist was finished but needs to be approved and a status to signalize the approved.

Hi Bruno!

Thank you for suggesting this product idea. We will follow the traction this idea gets in the community. You can expect updates on this post if we decide to include this in our future roadmap, or if we require more information.

- Marius