How to schedule a calculation on Charts?

Related products: Charts



I have a time series that accumulate values during the day and at 9pm it resets to zero. I am interested in creating a calculation to storage only the value every day at 9 pm in a new time series. 

I thought about Scheduling a Calculation on charts and schedule it to every day at 9 pm and run it to backfill, but it seems that there is no option. Also when I schedule a calculation and select to run every 1 day, it does not give the option to select time. 

Is it possible to schedule it to a specific time?

Also is there a better way to do it?

Hei hei 

Unfortunately there is no granular control on the exact time to set a calculation as of today but the time that you set it is when it starts to run. I have added this in the roadmap as a small improvement on the scheduled calculations functionality.

Thank you @abraaotanan1 - we’ll convert this into a product idea to allow other community members to upvote on your input and tap in with their ideas. Thanks again so much for sharing 🚀