Infield 2.0: Date in Checklist overview missing

Related products: InField

The date is not displayed in the checklist overview. It would be an advantage if the user could configure the information that is displayed themselves.

Hi Joanna, 

“Date” field will be available in the checklist overview in the next release, please see my image below. Is this what you are referring to? 





Hi Kristoffer,

this looks great. Do you mean the next upcoming release in March? 

Are you planning to enable the flexibility to configure the information shown in the checklist overview by the user themselves? 



Yes, March 5th! 

In this list view are planning to add more filters + search, but we have another “checklist overview” view where there will be some configuration possibilities. 

In the next release (March 5th) you will have the overview below available. This table will over time get more filtering options, flexibility in configuring columns and these as filter to your user profile. Is that some of what you are looking for?





Hi Kristoffer,

looks promising. Let us explore more after March 5th and I will let you know the feedback.



Hi @Joanna Wiedmann - “dates” in checklist is now released. I’ll mark this product idea as implemented and then you can make additional ones with feedback you have in the future. 


