Display time series data points in table

Related products: Transformations and RAW


When verifying the data in our time series, ensuring that CDF data matches up with source systems, it would be useful for our product owners to be able to quickly visualise the raw time series values in a table format: Raw data points with timestamp and value, and the ability to scroll through the data points.

Any chance to get such functionality implemented in the UI?

Hi Kristian and thank you for reaching out. Although not a direct solution, we are working on the ability to create a Jupyter Notebook from a chart. This will enable Python users to analyze data by writing code to do so, or by displaying the raw, underlying values. Does this help in your case?

Hi, and thanks for the reply. 

Sure, displaying the datapoints in a jupyter notebook would be one way to access data in a tabular format. This we can easily set up ourselves, or perhaps even better a Grafana or Power BI dashboard for our domain experts.

But for our self-service data consumers, I think it would be even easier if by a single click of a button in Charts or Fusion UI they would get the datapoints displayed as a scrollabale table with timestamp and value.

Some of our SMEs prefer accessing data (both raw datapoints and aggregates) in a tabular/list format rather than a line plot - particluarly for data not related to industrial equipment, but to settlement, finance, etc.

Thank you for the insights @Kristian Nymoen, that is very helpful.