Cognite Data Fusion: Enable stronger queries on the Asset data model.

Related products: Data Modeling

As a developer, I want to make verbose queries on Assets, so that I have to maintain less complex code on the client side of applications.

Retrieving Assets by Relationships and the Hierarchy is cumbersome and divests complexity to the client. A verbose query language for the datamodel (like SQL or SPARQL, GraphQL formats allow) would delegate complexity back to the server, and is preferable to the in-memory re-building of the model that now takes place.

We understand that most of this feature will be covered by Flexible Data Models, but we’re curious about the graph-traversal kapabilities it offers.

This feature has the highest priority for App development at Statnett.

Updated idea statusNewGathering Interest

Short responses:

Querying into the data model supported with GraphQL - SQL would be an upcoming feature in 2022 through the Flexible Data Model initiative. Please note interaction with REST will be out-of-scope for this year. 

However, graph traversal capabilities - though part of product plan (2023 and beyond) would require further product discovery (especially to establish the developer or end-user workflow design).


As a developer, I want to make verbose queries on Assets, so that I have to maintain less complex code on the client side of applications.

Retrieving Assets by Relationships and the Hierarchy is cumbersome and divests complexity to the client. A verbose query language for the datamodel (like SQL or SPARQL, GraphQL formats allow) would delegate complexity back to the server, and is preferable to the in-memory re-building of the model that now takes place.

We understand that most of this feature will be covered by Flexible Data Models, but we’re curious about the graph-traversal kapabilities it offers.

This feature has the highest priority for App development at Statnett.


EDIT: SQL is out of scope for 2022 as well. 

Thanks for your reply Shakya, I just want to emphasize the need for graph traversal. With contextualization being one of the main benefits and selling points of Cognite, it is very important that once we have made the effort of contextualizion our data then we can also benefit from this effort by traversing the datamodel to look for information that is related, but not necessarily in a parent-child relation. Not all things of interest can be directly coupled and will require traversal. 

@RobersoSN / @Andreas Kimsås,

I'm guessing you have been able to play with Data Modeling for a while now. Does it satisfy the requirements you intended to convey in this Product Idea?

@Thomas Sjølshagen , I assume you refer to FDM as the tool we have tested. @Robert Solli tested FDM quite thoroughly about 1 year ago and provided feedback to Cognite at the time. Since then I know things have happened and we are quite eager to test FDM again this year. We anticipate that it will be a big step in the right direction, but will have to complete our work on the Neat initiative before we can (re)-start testing FDM    

@Andreas Kimsås 

Yes, I was referring to (F)DM.

Thanks for the heads up on your timeline for re-engaging with testing our Data Modeling capabilities.

Oh, and I forgot to mention:

FWIW, we have also rolled out some additional (advanced) metadata search/filtering capabilities for Assets, Events, Files and Documents.


@Thomas Sjølshagen  - great news about the Filtering. Just showed it to my colleagues and we are eager to try it out!