Function Data - Better UI

Related products: Functions

As an improvement to Cognite Functions. It would be nicer to have the data entered as parameters instead of writing the entire JSON. Internally, CDF can generate the appropriate JSON as data dictionary

When invoking the function, you get the list of mandatory parameters, types of each (string, number, array, object...etc), description as well as the default value for each.

When having an array parameter for example, you can add elements to the array or remove elements...etc.

Essentially, it is a glorified JSON builder UI

This allows for better user experience as you do not have to remember what parameters the function requires, what is mandatory or not, what the names and types of parameters are and if not set, what are the default values. 

Thank you for sharing your insightful idea, Ghassan!
We greatly appreciate your contribution.
Stay tuned for updates on how we plan to proceed.