FDM Data Object Overlaps and Interdependencies

Related products: Data Modeling

With a vast amount of data models being developed using FDM, there is a need by modelers to have a simple overview (graphical, lists format, or similar) of all data models, data objects and properties that exist in a CDF project and their interdependencies.

When 10+ data modelers are creating data models in FDM, they need to know what objects and properties already exist in FDM to know what objects/properties can be leverages and not re-created. This reduces the possibilities for redundant data objects being created.

In addition, when data models leverage each other, there must be a way for modelers to know which data model are pulling data from each other. Should there for instance be a change in the data models, the ‘users’ of the data models must know whether upcoming changes will affect their data model. 

To provide some background on this idea:

  • We assign ownership to a data model so there is accountability on the data models
  • The data model owner is responsible for the lifecycle of the data model including creation, update, split/merge and potential teardown
  • Object types are defined in one and only one data model
  • Applications use queries directly on the data model, we don’t use views to query the data