Format dates based on the browser locale

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

When I look at dates in CDF, it represents them as AA.BB.YYYY. As an American, used to seeing dates in the MM-DD-YYYY format, I have to think a minute about which is the day and which is the month. 

Specifically, I’m looking at the list of data models and the Last Modified column. Charts uses YYYY-MM-DD, which is somewhat better as it’s more clear, but still not “normal”. Extraction Pipelines tell you the delta “3 months ago” or “2 days ago” with a tooltip in YYY-MM-DD.

It would be nice if dates were shown using the browser’s locale. There are functions in most languages to get the browser locale and format the dates accordingly. So, I would see MM-DD-YYYY and my European colleagues would see DD-MM-YYYY. It would be nice if it were done consistently across CDF too.

Note, I’m not talking about time zones, only the date/time formatting. Adjusting for time zones is another topic entirely.

Hi @Peter Quinn !
Thank you for raising this. We’ve had discussions around this quite a few times I’ll tell you! Unfortunately I can not give you a timeline at this point, but I’m bringing it with me into prioritization discussions as a topic for improved overall user experience across the portfolio. 


Sofie Berge, Lead Product Manager End User Experience