Upload function from file: Data set ID should be made clear that it requires an integer number

Related products: Functions

When using functions for the first time, I tried adding my function by uploading from a zipped Python file as instructed in the docs. 


At the bottom of the screen for uploading a function, it asks for Data set ID.

In the Data explorer, I found data set names in text, so I tried entering this name into the box, thinking it was the ID.

The text was deleted by the frontend, with no feedback on what was wrong.

Trying again, and it gets deleted again.

Then I noticed I could type a number into the box and it would stay there, but it wasn’t very helpful.


The frontend could be more helpful here, showing why it deletes the text I wrote and pointing out what is actually required in that field.




Thanks for reporting this. I agree the UI is a bit confusing here. 

When uploading your source code as a zip-file, this file is stored as a CDF File in the Files API. You might want this CDF file to be associated with a particular dataset. In that case, you can specify the ID of the dataset in the Dataset ID box. 


We’ll see if we can make this more clear in the UI. 


/ Ivar

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