InField 2.0: "Enter" key when completing task

Related products: InField

Filled out originally as a bug, but was asked to post as a product idea instead.

In InField 1.0, numerical measurement readings could be entered on a desktop by using the "enter" key. In InField 2.0, the "tab" key is the one that actually enters values, and the "enter" key does not do anything. It would be more intuitive to keep the "enter" button as the input button. 

This would likely impact learning facilitators (template admins) and console operators the most, as they are the ones more likely to be completing checklists on their desktop where this functionality would make a difference, rather than completing the checklists on mobile device.

Thanks for your feedback @Marcela Young

We want to add more keyboard operators for our desktop users, I believe it will be especially useful in the process of creating and editing big Templates with a lot of tasks. 

Are there other types of keyboard operators you’ve seen a need for? Also keeping this open to get some feedback from others in the community. 



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