InField 2.0: The "Cancel" button on a task does not do anything

Related products: InField

I was fixing a task in InField 2.0 by deleting the synthetic tag assigned. But then I wanted to see what the original tag chosen was. Unfortunately when I clicked “Cancel” at the bottom of the editing window of that task, and then I re-entered the task - the task had auto-saved and I couldn’t go back to what it had originally been. 

The auto-save is great - but what if I want to see prior edits for a given task?

Hi @Marcela Young - sorry for the late response. 

You are correct, the “cancel” button don’t really serve a big purpose. Great that you enjoy the auto-save, I do to. Unfortunately auto-save comes with a cost, e.g. the scenario you experienced here, but I’ll bring this to the team and see what we can do. 

NewGathering Interest

@Kristoffer Knudsen any further updates that you can provide on this request? 

This item was discussed internally with Ram and it was agreed that this is medium priority for Celanese.