Cognite Data Fusion: See asset-to-asset relationships together with metadata in Explorer

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

Asset-to-asset relationships in Data Fusion Explorer are currenly hidden behind a couple of clicks. This makes it harder for end users to get an overview of the Asset. It would be more convenient if the asset-to-asset reltionships where displayed together with the metadat fields on the Details page:

Possible placement to show relationships


Hi @Willem Meijer and thank you for this product idea.

I’ve notified the lead product manager responsible for the Data Exploration functionality of your idea and I expect they will reach out here if they have additional questions or need clarification before they make a roadmap determination about your idea.

Hi @Willem Meijer ! I’m the product manager for the Data Explorer, and have some follow up questions!
Do I understand your request correctly as you would like in the details page a list of all asset-to-asset relationships for the specific asset you are looking at? And you would like this instead of clicking on the asset, navigating to the “Assets” tab for associated assets and choose “filter by Relationships”? 

Hi @Sofie and thanks for the reply! Yes  you are correct. I would like the relationships to other assets to be shown on the details page. The reason is that, when building models heavily dependent on relationships, a lot of information is “hidden” a few clicks away.

One example is a power plant (Ala). Currently we have the following information on the details page:

In addition we have the following relationships:



I would like information about the regulation object, price area and operator to be easily visible on the details page. One “shortcut” we have discussed internally is to add all relationships information as metadata as well, but it would be better to have the relationships displayed more accesable. 

For the people who are actively working on the data model, the current situastion is doable, however, for other people / users it makes the application less user friendly.


I see, @Willem Meijer! Thank you! I’ll bring this use case back to the team and keep it in mind, but unfortunately, I do not see implementing this as something we can prioritise on our roadmap today.

Some context from our side as to why I do not see this as a simple request;

  1. The number of asset-to-asset relationships across our customer base is often very high. Much greater than the number you would be able to present in a logical way if showing it flat as rows/metadata fields on the details page.
  2. These asset-to-asset relationships are not stored as metadata today (at least not by default). If displaying them on the details page, that would be to create a new section for this specific type of data, while it is available two clicks away in the related assets tab - select relationships. 

I do want to note that we appreciate the feedback, and I’m sorry we can not meet your expectation on this request. I do however hope you will continue to feed us with questions and requests! 


Sofie Berge, Lead Product Manager Fusion and Data Explorer

Hi @Sofie Svartdal Berge! Thank you for considering my request and the explanation why it won’t work for other companies. I do see that it might be a bit “too much” if there are many asset-to-asset relationships. 

Best regards,

Willem Meijer