Jupyter Notebooks in CDF: Request Python packages to be installed

Related products: Jupyter Notebooks

It would be conveniant to have a way to request Python pakcages to be installed in the Jupyter environment in CDF.

Plotly, for instance, is not part of the default installed packages. I could still use it by using micropip:

Screenshot from Jupyter Notebook in CDF.

But it seems inconveniant to do this everytime, especially for popular packages like Plotly. 

Hi @Willem Meijer,

We have received your product idea an I've reached out to the lead Product Manager for the functionality. You should expect them to follow up if they have questions, and update the status of this idea as it progresses through the evaluation.

Without touching on the issue on whether the plotly package is popular enough to warrant default installation for every single user of CDF, here’s a tip to make custom installs less of a hassle! 😄

Instead of importing micropip and using it to install, just invoke it directly:

%pip install plotly nbformat

Hi Willem and thank you for your suggestion. There is a tradeoff between having a default set of packages and boot-up time, and for now we will be careful about adding new packages. We might think more through this decision in the future and add a set of default packages for convenience. 

After some consideration we have decided to leave the default set of packages as is for now to keep boot-up time to a minimum. We might add additional default packages in the future, though. Thank you for your input :)