Cognite CDF: Searching Challenge

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

It is very difficult to search files in Cognite if you dont know the file name. For example, i wanted to search electrical classification drawing for a methanol unit in CDF. it was practically impossible to find it in CDF. Instead, I had to go to the source system → to find the unit methanol and then find the electical classification drawing under electrical drawing folder. There is no way in CDF to search by document classes and/or filter by unit to narrow the search in a few clicks. Also there is no way to isolate fuzzy searches so that i dont get random stuff.



Hi and thank you for this product idea @ibrahim.alsyed.

I've notified the lead PM for Infield of your idea and expect @Kristoffer Knudsen to follow up as we assess.

NewGathering Interest

To be honest, the request here was for CDF and not specifically for Infield. It applies equally to infiedl too.

Sorry, with the post being tagged for InField, I misunderstood!


Have you had a chance to investigate the new search API for Documents (in Beta, going GA)? See