Managing out of tolerance observations

Related products: InField

As a user of InField I need a process of handling out of tolerance observations. I want to be informed that the there is an out of tolerance observation, and I want to be able to alert others. 

Hi @Liv Hagen - following up on this one. 

In InField you can now toggle-on “Observations”, a feature used to capture abnormalities out in the field and share it with the rest of the organisation. 

Towards the December release we’ll also add a way for the Template builder to prompt a message to the field worker if a checklist item/task is “not ok”, which hopefully can help you in having a process of handeling out of tolerance observations. 

Hi @Liv Hagen - InField just released a new version and one part of this is a feature called “task conditions”. With this you can specify actions you would like the user to take depending on the condition of the tasks, e.g. if the task is “not ok”. See the full release notes in the link below. 

I wonder, how does this solve your use case above? 

