Aggregate to support filtering from linked type

Related products: Data Modeling

Hello data modeling team, we define a 'Film' type which links to a 'Director' type, and prepare some test data as below:




when executing the "listFilm" query and set the filter with director name,  the query works well and return the expected results.


when executing the "aggregateFilm" query, the Director fields are not available on Query Explorer. when adding the filter manually, the query failed.


Our aggregate and search endpoint cannot do nested filters at this point. This is something that is on our radar though and will be fixed!

Hi @Lihui Meng

Thank you for this insight. We are tracking and processing this product idea separately, but expect this hub post to be updated occasionally as we learn more and decide whether to include this in our future product roadmap. The responsible PM for this area - (me) - will keep you updated as the idea makes its way through our process.

Thanks @Thomas Sjølshagen do we have some timeline on this?

No explicit timeline at this time. Have it in the “consider for 1H2024” bucket, but depends on ongoing work and key deliverables in 2H2023.

@Jatin Sablok - Can you repost the images you linked in the original post. Seems like they’ve gone “missing”...