File upload configuration

Related products: Other

Currently, when uploading files through the CDF web UI we have the option to provide the dataset ID.

It would be nice to replace the textbox with a dropdown showing the dataset names we could select from (similarly to other places on the web UI where the dataset can be filtered). It is a bit annoying to have to search the dataset first, copy the ID and paste it to the textbox.

Some more ideas to consider:

  • dropdown or search-box to select label(s) as well, common for a group of files to be uploaded
  • option to provide metadata key + values, common for the group of files to be uploaded
  • option to set the filename (or the filename + some common suffix) as the external ID for each file from the group of files to be uploaded, or set to an arbitrary string if it is just a single file

Hi @robert.rill, thank you for sharing your ideas! We appreciate your contribution. I've taken the liberty of moving your post to our dedicated Product Ideas section. This will allow other community members to easily find and upvote on your suggestions. Thank you once again for sharing!



Hi @Anita Hæhre, thank you for moving the post to the right place (I submitted it to the wrong section and could not edit after, I did not want to create it again). Now it can get more visibility, thank you!

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