Ability to edit properties of a synthetic time series in InField user interface

Related products: InField

In InField v2, the user is not able to edit any of the properties of a time series after creation. In the previous version, you were able to edit the unit and description. It is likely that a user types something wrong when creating a time series. Having the ability to edit (at least some of) the properties in the UI will be very helpful.

Hi @Emilie Wattø Larsen ! Thanks for your feedback. 

In the current version of InField you can only edit the Unit, if you edit the Description/Name you actually create a new new time series (you don’t edit the existing one). We are looking into how to enable more editing in the UI going forward, but specifically for units we are first working on a Unit Catalog and a Unit Converter. 




NewGathering Interest

Hi @Emilie Wattø Larsen

Following up on this one. In our next release we’ve added the capability to edit the “name”, “description” and linked Asset of the Time Series. Hope this solves your need. 


Gathering InterestPlanned for development