Issue Monitoring Out of Range Values in Infield

Related products: InField

I’m working on a use case for generating a list of infield tags, sorted by which ones have been outside of their range the most times in the past x amount of time. There are 2 key problems with implementing this use case:

  1. When a limit is updated in Infield, the metadata for the time series in CDF is updated, but records for any past limits, and the times that those limits were modified is not stored in CDF. So I will get false values for the number of times out of range if I’m looking at any time period where the ranges were different from what they currently are. The only way then is to check all past infield reports which is laborious and seems unnecessary.
  2. Text-based inputs lack any criterion indicating whether they are out of range in CDF. For some simple rounds where the in range value is “Normal” it is easy to get something working, but there are others that this doesn’t work for. Essentially despite numerical and text values being communicated to CDF, the in/out of range data represented by the green, yellow, and red tags are not communicated to CDF. 

@Kristoffer Knudsen  

Hi @Brendan Buckbee! Thnx for the feedback. 

On 1) that makes a lot of sense. Will bring it back to the team to see how we can work with “historic limits”. On 2) I think it would be valuable to sit down and show you how we are developing the new version of these “custom labels”, and how we envision to trend/work with the data after it’s captured in the field. I’ll send you a meeting proposal. 

I’d love to hear from the rest of the community on these topics as well!



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