Open timeseries from templates directly in Charts

Related products: Charts

Would be great to have the ability to open timeseries that are part of a template directly in Charts as this would give users a quick way to verify that they’re using the correct timeseries and can compare the outputs from templates with calculations that they create in Charts


It would also be very helpful to be able to click the time series to open up the details similar to clicking on an instance to get the details.

Thank you Richard and Joann,

We agree that this would be a helpful improvement to the usability of Charts. Right now, we are mainly focused on enabling Charts to work better with time series data linked from data models - over time the data modeling capabilities will replace the use of templates in Cognite Data Fusion. We plan to ship improvements in this area in the second half of the year, as well as looking at other ways to increase the usability of Charts.

For templates specifically, we have not planned to make any improvements, as this capability is eventually going to be replaced by data modeling. 


Best Regards,

Terje Loken

NewGathering Interest