Charts - url parameter to spesify the timesegment for the chart.

Related products: Charts

in the url of a shared chart we should be able to set start and end timestamps. and also relative timestamps, like: 

or be able to parametrize in many ways

And be able to choose these parameters from the share chart dropdown in the chart.

should be:
https://{company}{project}/ in the base url. anyhow.. nothing todo with the case.

Hi, Stig Harald. 

We have an option which is used to “Open in” from other applications or solutions. 

You embed the timeseries externalIds and start and end time in milliseconds. We dont have relative parameters as in your example, but the milliseconds can be easily calculated. 


startTime=number             // in milliseconds endTime=number               // in milliseconds


You can also add a chart name and it will allow you to create a new chart or add to existing Charts. 

Example url

Nice, Knut 🙂 very nice to note down. but often I need to run charts with their calculations that I have created and not on spesific externalID’s cause i have timeseries avaiable in the SCADA systems, but I need a calculation from charts. 

But hope you guys can note it down as a wanted feature for charts’s future. 

But accessing externalID in charts with a spesific timesegment is noted, this is a nice link to have from web-apps to just send it to charts. Can we add additional externalID’s there is just one TS in the example. but can more be added by separating them with a separation character? very easy to build <a href=chartsURL> in web apps :) 

Hi, Stig.

Yes, I understand with existing Charts. And we will take that input as a product idea for arguments in the url. Very happy to see these type of requests as always. 

As for your second question, yes you can add as many ExternalIds as you want. Just use & as a separator, and you can easily build a dynamic url creator in a web app or similar. 

We even have examples of people building Cognite Functions that generate the url to the chart as a Metadata field with results of daily batch calculations. And the url is click able in the Data Explorer. 

Keep the ideas coming!



NewGathering Interest

 Just use & as a separator - Noted

Cognite functions can be use to alot of things, only creativity can hold you back 🙂