Remove N/A Message when you Apply N/A to a Section

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Submitting this request on behalf of the AAS Learning Facilitator at Celanese. 

“When we select N/A for an entire section we get this prompt (see attached). Is there anyway to remove this? If its done by mistake we can still change the individual readings under that section.”


CC: @rsiddha @Hud 


My understanding is that it is there to warn individuals filling a checklist from accidentally setting a whole section or remaining tasks in a section to N/A (unintentionally and submitting the checklist). Once a checklist is submitted for approval, there is not an easy way to revert mistakes in a completed checklist.

That is correct @rsiddha, this is the reason for this pop-up warning. Does that make sense @Marcela Young ? What is the main reason for why the AAS Learning Facilitator don’t want to see it? 

@Kristoffer Knudsen it’s not a matter of understanding - they understand why the message is in place. I asked Hud, and mostly they want it removed because it’s annoying to get the message every single time they mark an entire section “N/A”. If there could perhaps be a box where you can acknowledge and request not to see the message in the future that might help. 

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