Generic Template that can be tied to Specific Asset Type

Related products: InField

Use case filled out on behalf of Maintenance and Reliability groups: 

It would be nice to search for an asset within InField or by an asset type, say a centrifugal pump called Pump ABC, for instance. If I searched for Pump ABC in InField, or even if I searched for centrifugal pumps, I would like to see all possible generic templates that could possibly be filled out for this type of pump or asset. So if I have a generic template for centrifugal pumps, I could tag the template itself as used for this type of asset, and Pump ABC would automatically be associated to that template. 

This would benefit template users so that they don’t have to search for each individual form within InField, they’d search by the asset name instead, which would be a more realistic and intuitive search query.


cc: @rsiddha @asgottlieb @ibrahim.alsyed 

@Kristoffer Knudsen 

This is an important requirement to allow flexibility to create checklists specific for equipment types, product types etc to support Manufacturing processes. We also need the ability to execute the checklists and tie it to a work order. For example, if I am repairing a centrifugal pump P3801 on a Work Order, I can automatically assign a centrifugal pump checklist to P3801 and also connect the work order to the right completed checklist.

Hi @Marcela Young - thanks for your feedback! 

These are the Templates we discussed relevant for maintenance execution, correct? As discussed, we could defiantly create these Templates today, but we’ll need to do some discovery on how to make surface them in the context of e.g. an equipment or a Work Order that you are executing. But defiantly interesting for InField (cc @Nicklas Lind). Will update you for more insights when we start doing discovery on this. 



NewGathering Interest

We have discussed this internally with Ram and this is a BLOCKER for Celanese maintenance adoption.