Local time zone timestamps

Related products: Charts


Are there any plans for enabling on-the-fly adjustment of timestamps to local time? Some of our users of would prefer being able to consume the timeseries in local time rather than UTC. 

It would be nice to be able to leverage synthetic timeseries to get the timestamps in local time, and/or to be able to set the time zone for visualizations in Charts.

NewGathering Interest

Hi, Kristian.

The alignment parameter in synthetic time series lets you align to different time zones. 

  • To align to UTC/GMT+0 (aligned to: Sep 09 2020 00:00:00 UTC)

    ts{externalId='houston.ro.REMOTE_AII34]', alignment=1599609600000, aggregate='average', granularity='24h'}

  • To align to UTC/GMT+3 (aligned to: Sep 09 2020 03:00:00 UTC)

    ts{externalId='houston.ro.REMOTE_AII34]', alignment=1599620400000, aggregate='average', granularity='24h'}


As for the ability to set time zone for the visualization in Charts, that is a great idea. I have converted this thread to a product idea to gather interest across customers. 


Best regards, Knut

Thanks! I was also just made aware that Charts already by default displays data in local time, and even handles daylight savings time. It is probably how most of our users would want it, but being able to choose UTC or another timezone might also be useful.

Regarding the alignment parameter, it helps, but isn’t quite what I would be after, as it would require an aggregation of data, and I suppose daylight savings time would be an issue. 

Yes, then I understand you better.

Charts uses the local timezone settings on your computer, so it will handle what you are looking for. Very happy to hear that this is what most of your users need. 



We need this!

… being able to choose UTC or another timezone might also be useful.


We have vessels, operators, and engineers spread across 3 continents. We use Charts (and still Insight) for trouble-shooting across the continents. Typically an engineer located in Norway works with the crew on one of our vessels in Antarctica or with personnel in our factory in Houston. Now we spend time on manually keeping track of the time zones (and daylight savings which happens at different dates in Houston/Norway and not in Antarctica) to make sure we look and the same data. With UTC (which we already operate after) 
Please add this to Charts. I understand that this is not a problem for most users but this is something we asked for the first time ~3 years ago.


Hello, @Stig Grafsrønningen 

Thank you for the request and the description of how you are working today. I understand that it is time consuming to manually keep track of the time zones and daylight savings, and vessels in different time zones.

Please use the “upvote” functionality at the top of this thread, as we gauge the needs across features and users across customers.


All the best, Knut J. Vidvei