Infield checklist section N/A

Related products: InField

Has anyone already asked about the ability when filling out a template to be able to mark a whole section as N/A?  Sometimes there are pieces of equipment that sometimes run and if they do, several pieces of information is needed but if not, its tedious to mark each item as N/A.

@Kristoffer Knudsen i believe you mentioned that this was suppose to be delivered in Q4 2022. Did we make any progress?

Hi @DGrooms @ibrahim.alsyed, thank you for your suggestion. This is something we’ve been working on, and barring any bugs it will be released today. It will then be possible to set the status for a whole section or checklist, similarly to how you set the status for each item today. 

NewPlanned for development

Planned for developmentImplemented

Hi @DGrooms - as @davidhwu mentioned above, we are happy to say that this functionality was released today (see the release notes here; 

You now have the possibility to either mark the remaining tasks in the whole Checklist or a Section with the same state (ok, not ok, Not applicable, etc.). 

Remember that to put either one item or multiple items as “Not applicable” you need to have this state applied in the setting page for the particular Template (see the image below). If you don’t have access to editing Templates, reach out to one of your admins. 

We hope this makes things easier for you and please reach out with any comments/feedback!