Notification for failed user connection request

Related products: Authentication and Access Management

I would like to request a new feature, anytime a user request access to CDF, Charts, etc, and that user is not in the AAD group to allow access, I want to receive an Admin based notification that a user at IP address, domain, etc has been denied access to a Cognite app name.



Thank you for the request, and we recognize the pain point you’re trying to solve with this.

We are currently looking at our model for supporting sharing and collaboration better. The solution we end up with will probably be more like what you find in tools like Google’s G Suite, Office365 and others, some variant of a “request access” form which in turn notifies the owners/admins of the piece of data/content. Just generating notifications without the user explicitly asking for access is something we think will quickly lead to notification fatigue and there will not be enough context to understand whether the user in question should have access or not.

NewGathering Interest