Cognite Data Fusion: Improved Empty Sequence Preview

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

When working in CDF and one is looking at an empty sequence, the view is not very easy to navigate and thus is not very helpful. It does list the column names that belong to the sequence, but they list out in big blocks that span off the screen. I do not see a scroll bar unless I drag a column sizer off screen, so I am forced to squish columns and make them unreadable. 

What someone might be wishing to see instead:
- maybe a little note that there are currently no rows populated for the sequence 

 - a neat concise listing of the column names and the data type expected that can be seen. This would probably be a list built vertically instead of putting column headers horizontally across the top. 

The new raw table profile is legit and might provide some inspiration. 


Thank you!!


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