Cognite Charts: Allow changing the y axis limits while in stacked mode

Related products: Charts

I often use the “stacked y axis” mode, because it tidies up the graphing area with multiple time series. However, this mode also prevents me from adjusting the y axis limits for the individual time series. This restriction needs to go, because the automatic axis limits do not always let me see the data at the detail necessary. There is no logical reason as I can see why I should not be allowed to change the y axis limits. The stacked mode should just place the center (y_max - y_min) at the location defined by the stack algorithm, and be agnostic to the actual valuels of y_max and y_min.

Hi, Anders.

Thank you for the feedback. I understand that this feels like a restriction. And the reason it was implemented this way was to be convenient. How I understand your need you would like the stacked button to stack up your time series in the chart, and then not “lock” the axes. You would prefer this to stack them each time you press the button. 

FYI @Magdalena Rut 


Best regards, Knut



NewGathering Interest

To be clear:

I click the stack button, and the graphs are stacked vertically. When I scroll on a y axis the limits change, but once I move the cursor onto the graphing area the limits are reset to what the stacking algorithm decided. Sometimes I want to change the y axis limits while in stacked mode, but this is not allowed currently.


I hope this clarifies my suggestion.


I believe I understand what you want to be the best experience.

We’ll add this to our input to improve the stacking experience, and we really appreciate your input.


Best regards, Knut