Cognite Charts: Storing different "Views" of a Chart for a user to jump between

Related products: Charts

I am often building Charts for specific purposes in root cause analyses, and I want to be able to tell stories and highlight important aspects in the data. Key aspects in the TS might be visible at different time scales and at different dates, which requires me to spend time navigating and find the relevant sections of the data.

I would like to be able to save a specific view of the graphing area and give it a name. These views should be easily accessible within Charts so that I can simply click on it and the exact same view will be shown. With something like this implemented I can prepare a “story” or “presentation” directly in Charts. This way I don’t have to i) make multiple Charts to store different views, or ii) save PNGs and put these into a Power Point.

All parameters needed to reproduce the view needs to be stored: active time series, colors, line widths, line styles, x limits, y limits…. anything needed to reproduce the view.



Anders Brakestad

Great idea Anders. Would it be beneficial for you if these “views” are also shareable as URLs, so you can either send them to others or store them yourself? This way, if you click on one of these URLs, all the state would be there - colors, line width, x & y axis, etc.

NewGathering Interest

I’d echo this request, it’s something I see in a lot of visualization offerings out there.


You could group the views under the main chart itself and allow for sharing via a link just like the parent chart allows for.


In addition, it means you’d have a more organized charting landing space for collaboration across your tenant. A parent dataset and initial chart could be branched in many different directions while still being grouped.