List functionality for JS-SDK FeatureAPI

Related products: API and SDKs

We have a need to list all the features of a specific FeatureType through the geospatial FeatueAPI. There seems to be no list() method or equivalent endpoint to achieve this, excepting using the searchStream method with no filter.

Would it be possible to provide such a thing?

Hello @Henrik Svoren ,
Hope you’re doing well.

Thank you so much for reaching out.
We really appreciate your highly valuable feedback of incorporating a list method in our JS-SDK.
This has been a highly requested feature.

We are going to implement this and get back to you with a timeline in this thread shortly.

Saagar Takhi,
Senior Software Engineer.

NewGathering Interest

Gathering InterestPlanned for development

Hello @Henrik Svoren .

The list() endpoint is published in sdk version 7.11.0.

If you need all the features without worrying about cursor,

you can use list().autoPagingToArray({limit : Infinity }).


Please do let us know if you face any issues with using above.
Thank you so much for your query.


Saagar Takhi

Planned for developmentImplemented