Cognite InField: N/A Selection on shutdown equipment

Related products: InField

When equipment is down, InField still requires the Operator to select N/A, and they could be down for many days

Recommend a way to allow the operator or management to mark the equipment as out of service for a set period of time or better, be aware of equipment being down from CDF a piece of equipment is down and gray it out on the round sheet

NewGathering Interest

Thanks @ibrahim.alsyed ! 

Who is “management” in this context? Immediately I would assume that either “management” or the data itself should decide if an equipment is down and thereby N/A, and not the operator themselves. On the latter, do you know if there’s a Time Series indicating if it’s running or not in your Historian/PI (something like 1-running, 0-not running)? 

@Kristoffer Knudsen 

The operator should be able to decide this and he should be able to suppress for a specific time period i.e. the shutdown date, so that people are not selecting the same choice every round.



@Hud  FYI :) 

Gathering InterestPlanned for development