Hello team,
We have ingested 15671 instances on an indexed model.
While trying to view the data on the data managment tab on the fusion UI, we are getting 408 error.
When we try to query the data through GraphQL, even if we apply limit of 1 we are getting the same response.
Error message: {
"title": "",
"message": "Client request(POST https://westeurope-1.cognitedata.com/api/v1/projects/slb-pdf/models/instances/query) invalid: 408 Request Timeout. Text: \"{\n \"error\": {\n \"code\": 408,\n \"message\": \"Graph query timed out. Reduce load or contention, or optimise your query.\"\n }\n}\""
Details of the model:
space: gb_MovieDM
data model: Avocet data model