After using the new scene functionality in CDF, there are several things that I like about the application but also am experiencing some challenges that I believe need to be addressed before we can get end users to leverage the application:
- the asset layer seems to take a while to load on the backend. Not sure if there’s a way to set this up to load faster?
- once assets are loaded, the pop-up window that shows the contextualized information is very glitchy - rendering it almost un-useable
- In general it doesn’t seem like the asset overlay is very reactive to a click of the mouse, but more of a hover over which seems less intuitive for end users
- It would be great to have a speed slider - like the one that was present in remote - to fine-tune the navigation. This will be particularly helpful when we bring in our subsea models into the scene
- It would be great if we could set certain attributes to default to be toggled “off” when first loading the scene. Example: we’d like to have a single scene that contains both CAD and Point Cloud data, but would like to default the point clouds to be off when first launching the scene
Overall I like the direction this application is going. The alignment if 3D objects using point and click is excellent!