I am unable to generate client code for the CDF openapi spec at https://api-docs.cognite.com/20230101/ using deepmap/oapi-codegen for Go, seemingly because the spec contains some errors. Do anyone know of a way to generate an api-client in go for the CDF-api spec?
Both commands below rely on having openapi spec downloaded to the current directory from https://api-docs.cognite.com/20230101/
Testing the spec for errors with redocly/cli: docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/swagger.json:/swagger.json redocly/cli lint /swagger.json
For me this results in “Validation failed with 25 errors and 382 warnings”
Generating the client library using deepmap/oapi-codegen: go run github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/v2/cmd/oapi-codegen@v2.0.0 --config oapi-codegen-config.yaml swagger.json
with the this config file:
package: "cdf_api"
output: "cdf_api.gen.go"
models: true
client: true
circular-reference-limit: 100
For me this results in the message “error generating code: error creating operation definitions: path '/documents/search' has 0 positional parameters, but spec has 1 declared” - I started fixing some errors, but there was quite a few of them, so I stopped.