Cognite Data Fusion for you as a Domain Expert

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In this post we’ll share with you our thoughts on key areas to focus on to empower you as Domain Experts - frontline workers - to efficiently utilize data and analytics in day-to-day operations. Let us know in the comments what you think! 


The direction for Cognite Data Fusion

Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) is an Industrial Data platform, and part of our mission is to ensure that we provide a “batteries included” experience to quickly realize value across our target industries Manufacturing, Energy and Power and Renewables.

We want CDF to be the go-to tool for not only Data Scientist and deeply technical roles, but also the Domain Experts that know first hand what the operational challenges are and what the optimization potential is. 

Over the last couple of months, and in our upcoming releases, you will see a focus on enabling you as a Domain Expert to solve industrial data problems through low-code user interfaces - without assistance from “a coder”. 


What sort of industrial data problems are we focusing on first? 

Thanks to the heavy use of CDF today, your direct feedback and our discussions with you here in our community, we have mapped what a typical workflow looks like from the point where you identify what the problem is, all the way until you have a ready data product. Start to finish. We are looking at where in this workflow the opportunities for improvement are. All ideas and feedback from you have been ranked by our team, with a focus on enabling you to create solutions solving high value end-to-end industrial data problems. 

We have identified some key areas for improvement, and are giving a little sneak peek! 

  1. No-code interface for creating monitoring jobs: Create threshold monitoring jobs directly from a Cognite Charts - no coding required. 

  2. Persisted no-code calculations from Cognite Charts to CDF: Enrich your digital twin by making available the calculation result outside Cognite Charts, for general querying, and thus also use by 3rd parties (e.g Grafana, PowerBI, etc). No longer any coding required to have the calculation results available as any other data in CDF.

  3. Enhanced search and filtering capabilities: Find the relevant data faster by more complete search and filtering capabilities across all data types.

  4. Ability to view and create your own data models using a low-code interface: Use an intuitive and visual user interface to inspect an existing data model, or create your own solution data model.


Do you have thoughts on, or miss anything, from the above? Let us know in the comments!

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