Cognite Charts folders option

Related products: Charts

Many Cognite charts users expressed interest in having the flexibility to add/store/organize Cognite charts in folders.

Hi Ram.

Thank you for this product proposal! We fully understand the need to organize charts in folders once you get to a higher volume of charts to get an overview.

Leaving it here for others to add their thoughts and comments!


NewGathering Interest

It would really help user adoption if we were able to organize the charts in a folder structure. @Paulo Botura , ref our recent meeting.

@Anne Eiken 

Hei hei thanks for the great feedback on this. The goal for the product team is to tackle the ability to templatize charts and be able to create charts for data models eg you create a charts template and then apply to all your pumps in Q3 of this year. We believe that once we have that in place it would be a perfect time to tackle the issue of folder in Charts. 

Gathering InterestPlanned for development

This has been moved up to Q3 instead. So it should be available in the Q3 release of Charts.