Cognite Charts: Ability to calculate by subtracting two different time stamps on the same time series

Related products: Charts

I have a use case here where i would like to take a value reading at 9am on a time series and then one at 4pm but then i want to subtract it and have that as a synthetic time series going forward. Can we do this in Charts?

@Crystal Connor Richards @Eric Stein-Beldring @Philippe Bettler 

Hi Ibrahim,

This is actually possible to do today using the Shift time series function (found within the Operators category when you are adding a function node). 

To shift the time series “backwards” 7 hours (9am ↔️ 4pm), then you should use -7 as the input for the Time periods to shift parameter and h (for “hours”) for the Time periods unit parameter.

See image below:

Important note:

Since we currently do not fetch data beyond the range currently in view in the chart plot, there will be a gap at the start or end of the of the range (depending on whether you shift the forwards or backwards) of that period length. 

If you'd like to calculate for a larger range, you can simply zoom out or change the time window in view. Adding the functionality to run calculations on a user-defined range of time, including fetching data outside the range in view is a request we've received and have on our backlog.

For the scenario you described, I’m hoping this current limitation won’t be an issue — do you believe this will solve your use case?

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