Charts and InDSL Product Idea: Time span over window

Related products: Charts


An idea for a feature in Charts is a function outputting the time span over the window in focus. This will help cases where for example one wants to find the percentage of time where a time series is below a certain value: To be able to say that this time series is below the threshold eg. 40% of the last week.


Hi, Simen.

There is a “Threshold” functionality where you can see e.g. how much time a time series is above, below or between a value for the time frame you are evaluating.

Access it by pressing the Threshold icon highlighted in red circle on the right side. The number of time the value is exceeded, and the summary of the time exceeded is updated in the right side panel (square red box in the image).

This example shows a week of data, and a threshold under 1.4. 


Best regards, Knut

Hi Knut, 

Thank you! I am familiar with the Thresholds-function. However, our use case is that we want to ensure that a time series is above a threshold eg. 50% of the time. We need to report “Percentage over threshold” in our weekly reports.

The “total time over threshold” is very useful in this regard, but is in a format which makes it hard to calculate percentage. For example converting 4d 5hrs 32min to XX% over the last week is not the easiest task in the world.

Hope our situation makes sense!



Hi, it definitely makes sense. 

Would an additional number next to the time result in percent be sufficient to solve your reporting needs?

Yes, that would definitely be of great help!

Thank you!

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