We are trying to ingest the data from csv file into Staging table. Below is the config.yaml file.
level: INFO
# Information about CDF project
# Read these from environment variables
host: https://fusion.cognite.com/
project: sandbox
# OIDC client ID
client-id: abc345
# URL to fetch OIDC tokens from
token-url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/gvbiy76/oauth2/v2.0/token
# Alternatively, you can specify an Azure tenant to generate token-url automatically
#tenant: azure-tenant-uuid
# OIDC client secret - either this or certificate is required
secret: abcd
# List of OIDC scopes to request
- api://abc345/.default
# Data set to attach uploaded files to. Either use CDF IDs (integers) or
# user-given external ids (strings)
id: 28834
#external-id: File_Extractor
# (Optional) Extractor performance tuning.
type: interval
expression: 5m
# Information about files to extract
# (Optional) A list of extensions to fetch. If included, only files matching
# these extensions will be uploaded.
- .csv
# (Optional) Include metadata in file upload
with-metadata: true
# (Optional) Write file metadata to CDF Raw instead of adding it to the files themselves. The with-metadata flag must be true.
# The name of the Raw database used to store file metadata.
database: File_Extractor
# The name of the Raw table used to store file metadata.
table: csv
# Information about file provider
# Provider type. Supported types include local, sharepoint_online,
# gcp_cloud_storage, azure_blob_storage, aws_s3, smb_protocol, ftp and sftp.
# (Optional) Prefix added to the directory property on files in CDF.
#directory-prefix: "/my/files"
type: local
# For local files: Absolute or relative path to directory to watch
path: example.csv
While trying to run the extractor, it gives below error.
2024-11-25 12:25:23.797 UTC ERROR ] ThreadPoolExecutor-1_0 - Job "FileExtractor (trigger: intervalC0:05:00], next run at: 2024-11-25 18:00:23 IST)" raised an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "apscheduler\executors\base.py", line 125, in run_job
File "file_extractor\extractor.py", line 155, in run_internal
File "cognite\extractorutils\configtools\elements.py", line 404, in get_data_set
File "cognite\client\_api\data_sets.py", line 159, in retrieve
File "cognite\client\_api_client.py", line 384, in _retrieve_multiple
File "cognite\client\utils\_concurrency.py", line 77, in raise_compound_exception_if_failed_tasks
File "cognite\client\utils\_concurrency.py", line 104, in _raise_basic_api_error
cognite.client.exceptions.CogniteAPIError: <html>
<head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head>
<center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center>
| code: 405 | X-Request-ID: None
The API Failed to process some items.
Successful (2xx): -]
Unknown (5xx): T]
Failed (4xx): e{'id': 28834}, ...]